Thursday, January 19, 2012

Change of title

So I changed the title of the blog.  Long walks and long talks about nothing.  It comes from a song that takes me back a few years.  It was probably like 9th grade when I first found the band Winter Circle on PureVolume. I haven't kept up with them so I don't know if they even still exist.  But they have a song called Streetlight Flicker.  It's basically one of those "well, I guess high school is over so we have to go to real life now but lets hold onto it for a bit longer" songs. 
Mother said the dark was the limit. We ran our hearts out. Another beacon was in the distance, the color of the streetlight flicker.  Who knew our youth was quickly slipping. Who knew one day that we'd be missing long walks and long talks about nothing under the streetlight flicker.
I remember a few long walks and long talks in high school, but I've had some good ones since.  It's the long walks and talks that I tend to remember about a friend.  So yeah, I figured its a good name.
Check out the song here at PureVolume